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School Kids Studying Together

CAPA National Youth Leadership and Innovation Showcase

Purpose of the Event

  1. Provide a national platform for youth to showcase leadership and innovation.

  2. Increase CAPA's visibility both locally and nationally, and build the CAPA brand.

  3. Raise operational funds for various CAPA chapters.

Event Overview

The event will recruit elementary to high school students from grades 3-12 to participate in community service projects, civic engagement projects, entrepreneurial business plans, and open mic competitions, either as individuals or in groups.

The event will be conducted in two phases:

  • Phase One: Each CAPA chapter will host local competitions, using a standardized form to recruit participants, and inviting local judges (the number of judges can be determined based on local circumstances) to score based on uniform criteria.

  • Phase Two: Each CAPA chapter will select outstanding students from the local competitions to participate in a student showcase event for all nine CAPA chapters (no competition) to be held in Montgomery County on November 30. All selected students will receive certificates.

Responsibilities of CAPA-BC in Phase One

  1. Organize local competitions.

  2. Invite local judges and volunteers.

  3. Solicit donations from local individuals or businesses (both Chinese Americans and non-Chinese Americans).


June:    Announce

July: Information / Q&A session via Zoom

Aug 1-Aug 15: Application final submission phase (Google form)

Sep 1: CAPA-BC contest

Nov 30: National Showcase at Montgomery County

CAPA-BC competition place: 2122 w Joppa Road

CAPA-BC competition targets: Baltimore County Grade 3-12 Chinese American Students

Middle/high school student(Gr 6-12 in 2024-2025 school year):

Community Service Project

Civic Engagement Project

Entrepreneur Business Plan

Open Mic: Spoken word performance

Elementary school student (Gr 3-5 ): 

Open Mic only

CAPA-BC Competition Notes:

  1. Community Service Project, Civic Project, Business Innovation Plan are divided into two parts: a written portion (500-1000 words) and an oral presentation. The presentation includes a 7-10 minute presentation (PPT slides optional) and a 2-5 minute Q&A session.

  2. Community Service Project, Civic Project, Business Innovation Plan have competition content and evaluation criteria (see other files).

  3. Open Mic: Any topic can be discussed, and there are no evaluation criteria.

  4. All projects will be scored by the audience with voting rights.

  5. The first place winner from each project will have a prize.

Fundraising Methods

Local Competition Fundraising

  1. Each local CAPA is responsible for the expenses required for their competition (including venue, printing materials, etc.).

  2. Each CAPA collects registration fees:

  • CAPA-BC paid members: $30

  • Non-paid members: $50

  1. Each CAPA solicits donations from local businesses and individuals.

  2. The staff of the project have voting rights. Audience tickets are free, but donations are suggested. Donations of $20 or more will grant one voting right.

  3. All voters must attend the applicant's live presentation and vote on-site. Those unable to attend can delegate someone to vote on their behalf or abstain from voting.

National Showcase

  1. Each local CAPA needs to pay a certain fee (amount to be determined).

  2. Registration fees for the national showcase event will be collected (amount to be determined, based on local CAPA-BC fundraising efforts; CAPA-BC may cover the registration fee).

  3. Tickets for the event will be sold to the public (amount to be determined).

  4. Local CAPAs will jointly mobilize resources to solicit donations from large businesses (voluntary participation).

Disclaimer: This event is organized and managed by CAPA-CA. CAPA-BC is a 501(c) non-profit organization in Maryland and retains the final interpretation rights for the rules of this event.

Chinese Translation:







活动将征集3-12年级的中小学生,以个人或团体的名义,报名参加社区服务项目 (Community Service Project),公民项目 (Civic Engagement Project), 商业创新计划 (Entrepreneur Business Plan),和开放麦 (Open Mic) 的比赛与展示。



第二阶段:各CAPA通过分类比赛,推举每个项目优秀学生参加所有CAPA (9个)的学生展示活动 (不用比赛),活动将于11月30 号 在Montgomery County举办,所有被推选的学生都会得到证书。




向本地个人或商家募捐 (华人和非华人)

CAPA-BC 活动时间表:

June: Announce

July: Information / Q&A session via Zoom

Aug 1-Aug 15: Application final submission phase (google form)

Sep 1: CAPA-BC contest

Nov 30: National Showcase at Montgomery County

CAPA-BC比赛场地:2122 w Joppa Road

CAPA-BC 比赛对象: 面向Baltimore所有3-12 年级华人学生

初中生, 高中生(Gr 6-12 in 2024-2025 school year):

社区服务项目 (Community Service Project)

公民项目 (Civic Engagement Project)

商业创新计划 (Entrepreneur Business Plan)

开放麦 (Open Mic): 语言类节目

小学生 (Gr 3-5 ):

开放麦 (Open Mic)


1. 社区服务项目,公民项目,商业创新计划分书面 (500-1000 字)和口头讲解两部分. 讲解包括7-10 分钟 presentation (PPT slides optional) 和2-5分钟问答;

2. 社区服务项目,公民项目,商业创新计划有比赛内容和评选标准 (see other files);

3. 开放麦: 可以讲任何话题, 没有评选标准;

4. 所有项目由有投票权的观众打分;

5. 每个项目第一名有奖品



1. 各地比赛所需费用(包括场地,印刷品等)由本地CAPA自行负责


CAPA-BC 付费会员: $30, 非付费会员: $50


该项目工作人员有投票权。观众门票免费,但建议捐款$。捐款额 $20 或$20以上将获得一票的投票权。




收取全国showcase活动的注册费 (数目待定,根据CAPA-BC在当地集资情况,CAPA-BC 可以出注册费)

向公众开放出售门票 (数目待定)

各地CAPA调动资源共同向大的商家募捐 (自愿参加)


Check out the other posts on our website for more information on the showcase!

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