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School Kids Studying Together

ChatGPT-generated questions for a parent-child dialogue about screen time (Part II)

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Questions for a parent-child dialogue about screen time

Written by ChatGPT

Parent Questionnaire

1. How much screen time do you think is appropriate for children and why?

2. Do you feel that your child is currently getting too much screen time? Why or why not?

3. What types of activities do you think are important for children to engage in outside of screen time?

4. Have you noticed any changes in your child's behavior or mood related to their screen time usage?

5. Do you feel like you and your child are on the same page when it comes to screen time rules and guidelines?

6. How can you work together to establish a healthy balance between screen time and other activities?

7. How can you ensure that your child is safe and protected online?

8. Have you had any conversations with your child about the potential risks of technology, such as cyberbullying or inappropriate content?

9. How can you model healthy screen time usage for your child?

10. What strategies can you use as a family to minimize conflicts related to screen time usage?

Child Questionnaire

1. How much time do you spend on screens per day?

2. What types of activities do you engage in during your screen time?

3. Do you feel like you have enough time to engage in other activities outside of screens?

4. How do you feel when you have to stop using screens?

5. Do you think you are using screens too much or too little? Why?

6. How do screens make you feel? Do you feel happier, calmer, or more stressed after using screens? Some examples?

7. Have you ever experienced any negative effects from too much screen time, like headaches or trouble sleeping?

8. Do you feel like screens are impacting your relationships with family and friends? Why?

9. Have you ever had any negative experiences online? If so, how did you handle it?

10. Do you have any rules or guidelines in place for screen time usage in your household? How do you feel about these rules?

For Both Parents/Children

1. How can we find a balance between screen time and other activities?

2. What rules can we set to ensure that screen time is used responsibly?

3. How can we make sure that screens don't interfere with important activities like homework or family time?

4. How can we work together to find other fun things to do besides using screens?

5. How can we support each other in sticking to our screen time limits and goals?

6. Is there something a child wants to ask his/her parents?

7. For parents: If there is one taking home sentence or message for your children, what will that be?

8. For child: If there is one thing you learned in this session, what will that be?

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