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School Kids Studying Together

The Asian American Figures: Celebration of Achievements

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

Yuejin(李月锦) CAPA Baltimore

On the evening of April 9th, the first lesson of Chinese American History, narrated by Ms. Ye Yong, was thought-provoking. Chinese people have had a difficult journey in the United States, and we must remember our history and prevent the recurrence of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Thank you, Yong, for your careful preparation and dedication.


Next, we will invite children or parents to tell stories about Chinese-American celebrities. Currently, the Chinese American History project is being led by Ms. Yuejin Li (Committee Chair). This series was previously named "Top 100 Chinese Americans" and was a collaborative project with the Chinese American Parents Association of North Virginia (CAPA-NoVA). In order to be different, we will now give this series a new name: " The Asian American Figures: Celebration of Achievements ".


The Asian American Figures: Celebration of Achievements event series is a dynamic platform that empowers students to be the presenters and showcase the remarkable achievements of Asian Americans, especially the Chinese decedents. Through presentations, students will share the inspiring stories of Asian American pioneers and trailblazers in various fields, from politics and civil rights to technology, arts, and more. This event series aims to inspire future generations by highlighting the legacy of Asian American excellence and promoting diversity, inclusion, and empowerment. 


Join us in this celebration of Asian American achievements and be inspired to strive for greatness! We encourage middle and high school students to sign up as speakers using the Google form below. For 5th grade or younger students, parents can sign up and speak together with their child. If the child is signing up themselves, parents must fill in their own name and email, as the event involves minors. Each speech will share the story of one or two Chinese Americans and will last between 10-20 minutes. At the end of the form, participants can list four to five celebrities that they are interested in. They can refer to  a list of influential Chinese Americans we have generated using ChatGPT. Please note that while we provided a reference, presenters are not required to stick to this list and are welcome to share stories of any Asian American role models they find inspiring.


For any questions or concerns, please contact Yuejin Li at or via WeChat ID: yuejinlijiang

Please use the following link

or scan the QR code below to sign up as presenter

四月九号晚上由叶詠女士讲述的Chinese American History开篇第一课让人感慨万千,华人在美国一路走来太不容易,我辈须牢记历史,勿让排华法案重演!感谢詠的精心准备与付出。


接下来我们将邀请孩子或家长们来讲述华裔名人的故事。目前这个Chinese American History 项目由李月锦 (Yuejin Li)女士负责 (Committee Chair).  这个系列我们以前命名为“华裔百强”,是我们与North Virginia 华人家长会(CAPA-NoVA)的合作项目。为了有所不同,现在我们将赋予这个系列一个新的名字:华裔巨匠之光。




加入我们,一同庆祝华裔的成就,让巨匠之光鼓舞更多的华裔年轻一代!我们鼓励中学和高中学生用下面的Google form报名成为演讲者。五年级或者更小的学生,家长可以一同报名并演讲。如果是由孩子自己报的名,请家长们务必填上自己的名字和邮件,因为活动涉及到未成年的孩子。每个演讲将分享一个或两个华裔美国人的故事,时长为10-20分钟。在Form的最后,报名者可以填写四到五个自己感兴趣的名人。可以参考我们提供的用ChatGPT产生的一份华裔巨匠参考名录,但是演讲者不必局限于参考名录,欢迎分享任何一位华裔的故事。



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