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School Kids Studying Together

星星之火 (Be the light)

星星之火 (Be the light)

CAPA-BC Special-needs Program

As recommended by the special-needs parents, the inaugural CAPA-BC Service Award is first presented to Aaron Ren ‘23 from Dulaney High School and Carl Kamdin ‘23 from Towson High School and for their earnest devotion to coaching tennis for special-needs children.

Aaron and Carl have founded Happiness Tennis in 2021 and

exhibited exceptional patience,compassion and leadership forspecial-needs children in the ChineseAmerican community. Everyweekend, they gathered at the tenniscourts at the Carver Center for Artsand Technology (and in the winter,Orchard Tennis Clubs) to instruct andadapt training programs specificallygeared to each child. Carl and Aaron’swarmth and enthusiasm hasmotivated children to play hard, andthey often talked about how much they looked forward to playing tennis and seeing their coach. In past two years, the children have made dramatic improvements and have learned many skills, despite their special-needs. Parents did not anticipate that they could make such leaps and bounds, and were inspired by Aaron and Carl’s tremendous passion. So many children in the special-needs community do not have access to such resources, through their immense generosity, as well as their earnestness and devotion to coaching tennis. Aaron and Carl have personally impacted on these children’s lives, not only on these children, their families, but also the entire Chinese American community. Today more and more children and volunteers join the team, and they have shed light on us.

由特殊需要儿童家长推荐,今年的巴城社区服务奖首先表彰两位杰出的高中毕业生, 来自 Dulany 高中的 Aaron Ren 和 Towson 高中的 Carl Kamdin。表彰他们对特殊需要儿童网球教练的杰 出奉献。

Aaron 和 Carl 于 2021 年创立了 Happiness Tennis 教华人社区的特殊需要儿童网球。在这个 过程中两人表现出极大的耐心、同情心和领导能力。每个周末,孩子和教练们会聚集在 Carver Center for Arts and Technology,冬季会在 Orchard 网球俱乐部。 Aaron 和 Carl 会专门针对每个孩子 的调整训练计划。他们的热忱激励着孩子们努力打球,孩子们经常会谈到期待每个周末的网球训 练和见到他们的教练。在过去的两年里,尽管每个人的自身障碍,孩子们都取得了很大的进步, 并学会了许多技能。父母们没有预料到自己的孩子们能取得如此大的飞跃,非常感激教练们的爱 心以及对网球教学的热忱和奉献,不是每个特殊需要社的孩子都能获得如此资源。Aaron 和 Carl 的奉献激励并影响着每个孩子,孩子的家庭,鼓舞了更多的志愿者加入了教练团队,他们的爱心 影响着周边的人和整个华人社区, 正如星星之火。

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